Sponsor & Exhibit

Build your customer base

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Why Exhibit?

The 2025 ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo is the place to be in the language education marketplace. ACTFL attendees are highly respected educators who are looking for the latest products and services available for their students and their classrooms. They are prepared to make purchasing decisions based on what they see on the exhibit floor.

If you wish to build your customer base by having face-to-face contact with more than 6,000 language educators, the ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo is a can’t-miss opportunity!

ACTFL Exhibit Hall

Exhibit space is selling very quickly for ACTFL 2025! View the interactive Exhibit Hall Floor Plan and Exhibitor List. Please note that all blue booths are available to reserve (yellow/green are reserved). Once you find a location you would like, fill out the Exhibit Space Contract and confirm your participation by emailing it to cbloyer@fatemeeting.com. As a reminder, furnishings are NOT included in the cost of the booth space. This includes carpet, table(s), chair(s), electricity. Furnishings may be purchased through our decorating company, or you can provide your own. If you provide your own carpeting/flooring, it must be approved by ACTFL.

For current exhibitors: PLEASE disregard every single email/call you may receive from people/companies claiming to have the “ACTFL Attendee List” for sale, as well as people/companies asking you to make your hotel reservations. These are SCAMS (ALL OF THEM – ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS). We encourage you to block/spam emails and not respond to them.

Request More Information on Exhibiting

What You Need to Know

How much does it cost and what's included?

Exhibit Hall Hours

*All times are CST

Exhibitor Move-In

  • Wednesday, November 19: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, November 20: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

*All Exhibitors must have their booth set up by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 20 for inspection. Please arrange your travel accordingly. Exhibitors are not permitted to set up their booths on Friday morning, so please arrive in New Orleans no later than 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 20.

Exhibit Hall Show Hours

  • Friday, November 21: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, November 22: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, November 23: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Move-Out

  • Sunday, November 23: 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Exhibitor Workshops

What are Exhibitor Workshops?

Sign up now for a 45-minute timeslot to present your products and services directly to attendees on the exhibit show floor! You must be an exhibitor to purchase timeslots. Each timeslot is $950, or $900/each if you purchase more than one timeslot.

What are Exhibitor Workshops?

Sign up now for a 45-minute timeslot to present your products and services directly to attendees on the exhibit show floor! You must be an exhibitor to purchase timeslots. Each timeslot is $950, or $900/each if you purchase more than one timeslot.

View Sponsorship Opportunities

What better way to market to attendees than to show your support of ACTFL by sponsoring an item or event at the convention!

View Media Kit

Take advantage of our advertising opportunities to inform ACTFL members of everything you offer year-round! We have wonderful digital and print advertising options available.

Who are the attendees?

We had over 5,500 of the most dedicated language educators attend ACTFL 2024! Here are the attendee demographics from 2024.

Housing will be opening in Spring, 2025.

Booth Personnel Registration
Registration will be opening in Spring, 2025.

Exhibitor Service Kit
The exhibitor service kit will be emailed to exhibitors in Spring, 2025.

Need additional information on exhibiting, sponsoring, or advertising? Contact Casey Bloyer by email at cbloyer@fatemeeting.com or by calling (703) 894-2900 ext. 109.

We hope to see you in NEW ORLEANS!

Tell attendees you’re exhibiting

We'll be creating a media kit for exhibitors to help you let attendees know you're exhibiting at ACTFL 2025. Ready-to-use graphics and sample posts will make it easy for you to share and invite attendees to visit your virtual space or attend your workshop. The media kit will be available in Spring, 2025.